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The Quintos Festival

In the municipality of Les Coves, Easter Week takes place from Holy Thursday to Easter Monday and quintos and quintas, local youths who have just reached legal age, have an important role.

In the past, the quintos would participate in a number of acts in the municipality and making collections through the streets before completing their compulsory military service. With the passing of time, it was also extended to young women and the tradition continued after the abolition of compulsory military service.

Easter Week gets underway with the quintos on the night of Holy Thursday with a party to raise funds for the different acts throughout the year. After the party, on Good Friday they are responsible for the processions of the Stations of the Cross and the Holy Burial that night.

However, the most picturesque and traditional of the festivity during Easter Week in Les Coves takes place on Easter Sunday, after the procession, the quintos march through the whole village accompanied by a band. On this march it is common to find people to shower them with gifts of food products, the most typical being baskets combining food and drink such as the typical Tortades de Quintos, with large cakes traditionally made with almond flour decorated according to the tastes of the quinto or quinta receiving it. Sometimes, they are works of art.

After finishing the collection, the quintos head for the Pista de la Ravaleta where the cakes are placed on display and handed out to those who come to see them. This is the time for the quintos to give back to the people who have shown them so much generosity.






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