
Pont de la Rambla


The embedded and winding Rambla Celubres ravine creating the border between Castellfort and Portell runs under this historic bridge. According to the historical documentation, this bridge already existed in 1212 as there’s a Mozarabic reference to “alcantarella” (the site of the bridge).

Due to the type, brickwork and location, it could have been a Roman bridge that has lasted throughout time. It may have been a part of a secondary branch of the Roman road connecting a nearby settlement near La Iglesuela and Lesera (Moleta dels Frares).

This bridge has only one span with 10 metres of barrel vaulting. It’s made of ashlar stone with masonry at the top, the purpose of which was to repair some destruction due to flooding such as in the year 1700.

Situated 3 km from the town on the old historic road from Castellfort to Portell.

