
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Pilar


The church is located at the centre of Tírig, in the Plaza del País Valencià. It stands on the site of an older, smaller church. All that remains of this former church is the lower section of the current bell tower.2


Like the earlier church, the current church is also dedicated to James, son of Zebedee. Proof of the former’s name can be found in the existing documents from the pastoral visit that took place in 1769.2


It is said that the old church used to hold the familial tombs of some of the area’s well-known families, such as the Alcàsser, Rodes or Tosques families. Some were inside the church itself, others in the surrounding cemetery.2


The bell tower, which features a sundial with drawings of the zodiac on it,3 was refurbished in 2002. This meant two of its three bells ( “Quiteria”, the largest, and “Pilar”, the smallest) had to be taken to Germany to be repaired. The third bell, known as “Europa”, which is also very large, is the located in the highest part of the bell tower.2


The interior holds painted murals which date back to the 18th century.
