In 1779, the Union of Farmers, fulfilling the vow they had made to San Gregory, built a shrine in his honour as he had saved them from a plague of lobsters. The monk and architect P. Gonell from Vinaròs, erected this hermitage one kilometre away from the town. The chapel has a central nave and the body of the temple forms a Greek cross. In the altarpiece, designed by J. B. Nicolau, it is represented St. Abdon and St. Sennen, and St. Gregory is represented in the central niche. There is an altar on each side with murals dedicated to St. Rita of Casia and Saint Nicolas of Tolentino, dated in 1799, as well as the rest of the pictorial decoration of the interior. We should note the vault of the inside that rests on the shells of the presbytery and the pictorial decoration of the whole.
- Camí del Cementeri / 12500 Vinaròs
- [email protected]