Beach with blue flag
It was the first urban beach being the nearest to the town of Moncofa, was formerly inhabited by fishing families and families in the region who arrived in the summer months to enjoy its quiet beaches and summer parties, today has all the amenities of a beach with blue flag and it cites a multitude of cultural and sporting events of which occur include the "Desembarcament of the Patron Saint" on July 23 or swim across "Banderes Blaves" . In your tour you can see 6 Playetas and several squares and green areas on the sea shore, it is known for its viewpoints, ideal for watching a romantic sunrise on the shore of the sea.
- Playa abierta
- Playa urbana
- Arena fina
- Arena gruesa
- Info estado del mar
- Acc. movilidad reducida
- Cruz Roja
- Pto. informacin turstica
- Pasarelas
- Plataformas flotantes
- Servicios WC
- Hoteles
- Camping
- Restaurante
- Paseo marítimo
- Parking
- Teléfono público
- Parada autobús
- Parada Taxi
- Lavapiés
- Juegos deportivos
- Juegos lúdicos
- Punto Playa Accesible
- Bandera azul