It is the southernmost beach of Moncofa, and in its smooth 900 meters we find, residues of the old marshland with the small lake of the Estañol hence its name, in addition to areas of natural interest such as micro flora reserve, these Areas are ideal for rall fishing, and fishing with shuttle.
Close to the town of Chiches, it is a wide beach and for its tranquility offers its bathers the possibility of enjoying the sea in full contact with nature.
- Playa abierta
- Playa urbana
- Arena fina
- Arena gruesa
- Info estado del mar
- Acc. movilidad reducida
- Cruz Roja
- Pto. informacin turstica
- Pasarelas
- Plataformas flotantes
- Servicios WC
- Hoteles
- Camping
- Restaurante
- Paseo marítimo
- Parking
- Teléfono público
- Parada autobús
- Parada Taxi
- Lavapiés
- Juegos deportivos
- Juegos lúdicos
- Punto Playa Accesible
- Bandera azul