El Toro

El Toro

El Toro

El Toro

El Toro

El Toro

El Toro

Iberian remains can be found at the Peña las Majadas. Roman remains can be seen at Santo Domingo and Las Hormas. Christian settlers arrive in 589 AD. It was conquered by James I in 1236.


Industries include: agriculture, livestock, aromatic herbs, truffle farming; the wood industry, in particular the making of boards and planks; marble, and increasingly, tourism.
What to see
The Plaza de la Iglesia (church square), the Plaza Járiz, the well, the old town walls, the castle tower, the fortified church and the public washing place are all worth a visit.


The terrain is Jurassic. The climate is temperate, healthy and dry, beneficial for the treatment of both rheumatic and respiratory problems. It has elevation of 1,045 metres. The landscape is largely mountainous.