

EIn 1528, the so-called Battle of Almedixer took place, putting an end to the rebellion of the Moors in the Kingdom of Valencia. Up on Mount Rodana, at an altitude of 684 m, stood Almedíjar Castle, of which only ruins remain, although its origin goes back to the Arabic age, when it was known as Al-majasir, which means "the farm houses", or "meeting point."


Since it is a rural environment, its main activities are agricultural, although there is also a water bottling plant, a cheese factory, a leather company and a rural tourism agency.

What to see

Our route begins in the Plaza de la Iglesia, where we find the Castle's arch, then we visit the church, before following the Calle de la Acequia out of the town centre, where the remains of the walls can be found. 


It has a mountainous, rough terrain and healthy climate: hot in summer, with cool nights, and relatively mild winters. The town is 411 m above sea level and covers an area of 2,097 km2. Its highest point is the peak on Mount Cullera, at 997 m.