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Molino del Sól de la Costa Museum


The Barranco de los Molinos houses a valuable set of natural, scenic and architectural elements that have earned it the declaration of the first Site of Cultural Interest (SCI) with the Ethnological Space category (Decree 67/2009 of 15 May of the Consell). The name of the ravine comes from the five hydraulic mills built in the 18th century during a period of economic and demographic growth. It is a linear network of hydraulic construction, each of them is composed of a pond that retains the water, a tank that leads the water towards the milling machinery, a farmhouse and a ditch that connects with the neighbouring mill. The last mill, which is el Sól de la Costa, is a museum today. It has all the milling machinery restored and a complete exhibition of the ethnological elements. In the milling room, a projection has been installed through which you can see the moving story of the last miller who worked in the Barranco de los Molinos.



Часы работы

Very close to the town
It is accessed via a track from the centre of the town.

Arrange visits by phone: (+34) 964 762 014 / (+34) 660 950 792 / (+34) 964 443 074