
Los Gatos Tower

Declared of Cultural Interest - Кабанес

These towers helped protect the peasants in times of danger from pirates suddenly arriving from the coast. The current names of Els Gats and Falcó come from the nickname and name of the final owners, respectively.

It’s located in Ribera de Cabanes on the Las Torres trail which is known as such because it leads to both the Dels Gats Tower as well as its neighbouring tower, Carmelet. This same trail leads to the fortified church of Albalat and the castle of the same name. Nowadays, motorway A-7 runs parallel to this trail, quite close to the towers. It’s surrounded by fields of fruit trees and, nearby, there’s a masonry terraced structure now used for agricultural storage.

The characteristics of this tower are quite similar to those of “Carmelet", "La Sal" and "Del Carmen", also located close by in Ribera de Cabanes. The tower has a square floor plan and is three stories tall. It features round lookout posts on two opposing corners. A horizontal embrasure can be observed on the roof. Entrance is through the adjacent structure. It has two square windows on the southeast facade. The tower is made of masonry whereas the corners and door and window frames are made of ashlar.



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From the municipality, by the way of the Towers. It is located in the Ribera de Cabanes.