This beach is sheltered between the hill where the remains of the Iberian settlement of Orpesa la Vella lie and the modern marina. It's a small cove, 70 metres long and 45 metres wide, with fine sand and calm, shallow water. Rarely crowded, it's ideal for getting away from it all and losing yourself in a good book.
- Playa abierta
- Playa urbana
- Arena fina
- Arena gruesa
- Info estado del mar
- Acc. movilidad reducida
- Cruz Roja
- Pto. informacin turstica
- Pasarelas
- Plataformas flotantes
- Servicios WC
- Hoteles
- Camping
- Restaurante
- Paseo marítimo
- Parking
- Teléfono público
- Parada autobús
- Parada Taxi
- Lavapiés
- Juegos deportivos
- Juegos lúdicos
- Punto Playa Accesible
- Bandera azul