A beach with fine sand and pebbles whose stretch is the smallest of our coastline.
This beach offers facilities to practice sports on the seashore while enjoying extremely clean waters.
There are also several leisure areas for children, as well as healthy circuit training for the elderly.
This beach offers facilities to practice sports on the seashore while enjoying extremely clean waters.
There are also several leisure areas for children, as well as healthy circuit training for the elderly.
- Playa abierta
- Playa urbana
- Arena fina
- Arena gruesa
- Info estado del mar
- Acc. movilidad reducida
- Cruz Roja
- Pto. informacin turstica
- Pasarelas
- Plataformas flotantes
- Servicios WC
- Hoteles
- Camping
- Restaurante
- Paseo marítimo
- Parking
- Teléfono público
- Parada autobús
- Parada Taxi
- Lavapiés
- Juegos deportivos
- Juegos lúdicos
- Punto Playa Accesible
- Bandera azul