Blue Flag beach
It is a magnificent stretch of beach free from jetties and piers, with calm water which is continually moving thus keeping it clean and clear.
Besides bathing and snorkelling, we recommend you go on an excursion to the estanys, a panorama of three small lakes where you can see the ullals (fresh water eyes) which flow continuously.
- Playa abierta
- Playa urbana
- Arena fina
- Arena gruesa
- Info estado del mar
- Acc. movilidad reducida
- Cruz Roja
- Pto. informacin turstica
- Pasarelas
- Plataformas flotantes
- Servicios WC
- Hoteles
- Camping
- Restaurante
- Paseo marítimo
- Parking
- Teléfono público
- Parada autobús
- Parada Taxi
- Lavapiés
- Juegos deportivos
- Juegos lúdicos
- Punto Playa Accesible
- Bandera azul