The name Sacañet is related to the Spanish word for ‘reedbed’ (cañaveral). It gained independence from Bejís at the beginning of 1842 and formed a municipal district together with the village of Canales.
Agriculture and cattle breeding.
Start your route at the church, stroll over to the Town Hall and then head uphill, where you can enjoy the park, gardens and springs.
The municipality stands at an altitude of 1,017 metres and there are a number of notable peaks and areas of interest, in particular La Bellida, Resinero and Quiñón. The climate is cold in winter and hot in summer.
Agriculture and cattle breeding.
What to see
Start your route at the church, stroll over to the Town Hall and then head uphill, where you can enjoy the park, gardens and springs.
The municipality stands at an altitude of 1,017 metres and there are a number of notable peaks and areas of interest, in particular La Bellida, Resinero and Quiñón. The climate is cold in winter and hot in summer.