

Morella is full of imagination, colour and happyness.

It is one of the happiest and most crowded celebration in the year. The carnival of Morella is a tradition in the life of the walled town. Citizens disguise themselves and critisize the news and the authorities. It is used to be celebrated from the Sunday previous to the start of Lent till the following Tuesday, it was stopped by the Spanish Civil War. Now it is celebrated the first Saturday of Lent, the first weekend after the traditional carnival according to the catholic calendar. The celebration starts on Friday in the local pubs, bars and discos. There is a big parade on Saturday evening in the main streets. The carnival of Morella is unique because it is celebrated at a different weekend, because it has recovered the satirical and critical side, because many people dress up and because its main identity is its freedom of organization. The parade is open to everybody. In the evening,there is live music in the street. There is also a carnival for the children in the afternoon.

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Plaza de San Miguel s/n
12300 Morella
Telephone: +34 964 173 032
Fax: +34 964 161 071 
