
San Antonio Abad

The festivity of San Antonio is one of the most important in Benassal. Normally it is celebrated the weekend after the day of the festival of the saint when it does not coincide with the date (January 16). The highlight of the party is the bonfire, around which revolve all the acts that are celebrated. The party starts on Saturday morning attendees go to the house of one of the mayorales where they are offered mix and roll. Throughout the morning, they go to the place indicated by the mayorales (being a farmhouse near the town) by cutting the trees and making the firewood. At noon, in this place the traditional San Antonio meal will be celebrated, prepared and served by the mayorales. Later, the loading and entry of the Wrossecs will be carried out "to the people, from which the bonfire will be formed and the animals will be blessed. The following Sunday, the miss, streets for children and horses (with chicken as a reward) and the traditional "ball pla" will complete the party. 

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