




The land that makes up Montán was known as far back as the Carthaginians, who used to head upstream on the river Mijares in search of wood to build their boats with. The Arabs settled in Montán because of the springs, which they could use to irrigate their crops. The castle was conquered in 1239, and following the expulsion of the Moors in 1609, the town was repopulated with families from Provence and Servite Friars, who founded the convent. It was a headquarters for the Carlists, and its golden age came in the 19th century, when a spinning and weaving factory operated in the town.


Economy based on agriculture.

What to see

Be sure to visit the Servite Monastery. Check out the Parish Church and follow the water route, which takes you to the 10 fountains located in the old town.


Cirat cove, 900m above sea level. Las Palomas well, 700m above sea level.Peña Blanca mountain, 850m above sea level.